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Three physics (dynamics): Acceleration vector, ball thrown horizontally, fish weight

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10. if the acceleration vector of an object is in opposite direction as the velocity vector, then:

a. the object is moving in the negative x-direction
b. speeding up
c. slowing down
d. turning
e. at rest

12. a ball thrown horizontally from a point 24m above ground strikes the ground after traveling horizontally a distance of 18 m. with what speed was it thrown?

a. 7.40 m/s
b. 6.10
c 8.96
d 8.22
e. 3g

18. a 1.6 kg fish is weighed with two spring scales, each of negligible weight. what will be the readings on the scales?

a. the bottom cale will read 16 N and top scale will read 0.
b. each scale will show a reading of 8 N
c. the top scale will read 16 N and bottom scal will be 0
d. each scale will show a reading of 16N

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Answer: c. slowing down


if the acceleration vector of an object is in opposite direction as the velocity this means the change in velocity per ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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