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transfer function and cutoff frequency of the circuit

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Please help me to find Vout/Vin and cutoff frequency of the circuit. Vout/Vin is also the transfer function of the circuit. The resistors values are 5k, 2.2k and 100 in case they are not clear. The capacitor is 15400uF. This is a lowpass filter. I need a step-by-step hand derived solution of Vout/Vin and cutoff frequency.

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It shows how to find the transfer function and cutoff frequency of the circuit. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a '5/5' rating from the student who originally posted the questions.

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The complex impedance of the capacitor is

In the above circuit, the series R and R2 is in parallel with capacitor. The resistance is

Then it is in series with R1.

Now, ...

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