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Oscillations and Equilibrium

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The velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by:

v = -9.55sin(21.8t) (mks units)

a.) What is its angular frequency?

b.) What is the amplitude of the motion in meters to two decimal places?

c.) To the nearest hundredth of a meter where is the mass at the time t=18.29 seconds?

d.) If the mass in letter c is 0.74 kg, what is the spring's potential energy to the nearest tenth of a joule?

e.) What is its kinetic energy to the nearest tenth of a joule?

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The velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by: v = -9.55 sin (21.8t) (mks units)

a.) What is its angular frequency?

b.) What is the amplitude of the motion in meters to two decimal places?

c.) To the nearest hundredth of a meter where is the mass at the time t=18.29 seconds?

d.) If the mass in (c) is 0.74 kg, what is the spring's potential energy to the nearest tenth of a ...

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