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The five concepts that make behavioral and cognitive therapy uniquely different

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Identify and Define Five Concepts of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy that you feel adds dimensions to psychotherapy not considered by these four psychotherapies, 1) Albert Ellis, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 2) Carl Rogers, Client Centered Therapy 3) Psychoanalytic therapy 4) Adlerian psychotherapy.

Discuss your Five Concepts that you choose and briefly discuss how each concept could help a specific kind of client problem (e.g. of client's problem could be people with height phobias, people with social anxiety, etc.)

Use scholarly sources to support your assumptions. Cite your resources using APA format.

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This solution discusses the five reasons why behavioral and cognitive therapy are different.

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I think that one concept of behavioral and cognitive therapy that adds dimensions to psychotherapy, would be the concept of frequent positive affirmations. This concept involves having the client to repeat the reasons why they are important and feel good about themselves etc., as well as continuously repeating their strengths and talents. This eventually helps these individuals to develop a healthier and more positive frame of mind. This concept could be very powerful in helping an individual with social anxiety, due to the fact that it would build their confidence to the degree that they will be much more comfortable in social settings. Another concept of behavioral and cognitive therapy that adds dimensions to psychotherapy, would be the ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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