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Confidence Intervals of population proportion

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Confidence intervals for the proportion of each color as well as the mean total number of candies per bag. You will use the methods of 6.3 for the proportions and 6.1 for the mean. For the Bonus, you will use the sample size formula on page 338. Please keep at least 4-6 decimal places for the sample proportions to eliminate large rounding errors.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the proportion of blue M&Ms® candies in a 1.69 oz bag.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the proportion of orange M&Ms® candies in a 1.69 oz bag.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the proportion of green M&Ms® candies in a 1.69 oz bag.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the proportion of yellow M&Ms® candies in a 1.69 oz bag.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the proportion of red M&Ms® candies in a 1.69 oz bag.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the proportion of brown M&Ms® candies in a 1.69 oz bag.

Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the mean total number of candies in a 1.69 oz bag (large samples).

BONUS: How many bags should be sampled to obtain a 95% CI of the proportion of blue candies with a 4% margin of error if the known proportion of blue candies is 0.24?

You will need the information from the Part 2 Summary. For the colors, the confidence intervals need to be found using the formulas in section 6-3 for proportions. The margin of error formula is

Please see attacments (Part 2 Summary, page 338)

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Calculate the z-score, with given significance level.

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