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Multiple Regression Analysis

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Municipalities and states have been asked by the Department of Energy to assess their energy requirements for each of the alternative fuels. In particular, they have decided to focus initially on natural gas, given the enormity of U.S. reserves and its relative cleanliness.

Following are the data and output for selected municipalities in Illinois for 10 reporting periods (weeks). The dependent variable is consumption of natural gas in millions of cubic feet (Fuelcons) and the independent variables are the temperature (Temp), measured in degrees Fahrenheit, and a 'chill index' (Chill), which takes values from 0 to 30, and which includes other fuel consumption determinants besides temperature, such as wind speed and direction, and cloud cover.
Using the attached MegaStat output, identify and interpret the overall F test and associated p value.

Overall F statistic =
Round the F statistic to two decimal places.

Associated p-value =
Round the p-value to four decimal places.

Interpretation of the overall F test:

A. This tells us that we have extremely strong evidence that fuel consumption is related to both temperature and chill index.

B. This tells us that we have very strong evidence that fuel consumption is related to both temperature and chill index.

C. This tells us that we have extremely strong evidence that fuel consumption is related to at least one of the independent variables, temperature and/or chill index.

D. This tells us that we have very strong evidence that fuel consumption has a negative relationship with temperature and a positive relationship with chill index.

E. This value has no practical interpretation.

Please make your selection: A, B, C, D, or E

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of multiple regression model. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

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