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Ancient art and modern significance

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Please help answer the following problems on art history.

1) What significance did early art forms (painted murals or mosaic works, statues or figurines, stone carvings/etchings, metalwork and/or ceramic wares) hold?
2) In what ways are these art forms still practiced?
3) What other types of cultural artifacts with historical significance are prevalent in today's societies?

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How do ancient artworks relate to modern art - are there similar styles and uses still today? What are some of the modern works that relate to historical works?

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1) What significance did early art forms (painted murals or mosaic works, statues or figurines, stone carvings/etchings, metalwork and/or ceramic wares) hold?

These early works had significance in several ways: ritual significance, including ceremonial and religious meanings, practical use, decorative use and lastly, to show that "I was here." This includes the artists who blow-painted their handprints as a sort of signature on their cave paintings.

2) In what ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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