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Hardy-Weinberg Law

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1. We start with a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with a q of 0.4 and a p of 0.6. What are the genotype frequencies? Now we have this population, which initially is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (in generation 0) change to a mating scheme where everyone selfs. After selfing, what will be the genotype and gene frequencies in generation 1? In generation 2? In generation 12?

2. If in a group you have 14 eggs (10 males, 2 females, and 2 of unknown sex), 12 breeding females, 2 breeding males, 14 postbreeding males, 38 postbreeding females, 1 postbreeding individual who has forgotten his/her sex, and 1002 dead individuals, what are the total population size, the breeding population size, and the effective population size? Why do we differentiate between breeding population size and effective population size?

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Gene and genotype frequency can be calculated with the help of Hardy-weinberg law

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