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Probability of gene inheritance

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In couples where each person is heterozygous for the sickle-cell gene, there is a probability of 0.25 that any child of the couple will have the disease. A husband and wife, who are both heterozygous for the sickle-cell allele, are planning to have a family of four children.

What is the probability that their first child will not have sickle-cell anemia?

What is the probability that none of their four children will have sickle-cell anemia?

What is the probability that at least one of their children will have sickle-cell anemia?

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Solution Summary

This solution shows how to calculate the probability that a couple's children will or will not have sickle-cell anemia (specifically: the probability that none of their children will have it, that their first child will not have it, and that at least one child will have it), given that both parents are heterozygous for the sickle-cell allele, based on probability concepts and on principles of genetics.

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If the probability of having a child with sickle-cell disease is 0.25, then the probability of having a child without the disease is 0.75. These numbers come from the ratios associated with inheriting two ...

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