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Identification of common neck/trunk vascualture on model

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On attached picture, please identify the major arteries and veins. Just the numbers can be used.

1) Brachiocephalic artery
2)a)R b)L: R & L common Carotid
3)a)R b)L: R & L external carotid
4)a)R b)L: R & L subclavian artery
5) Thoracic aorta
6) Abdominal aorta
7) Celiac trunk-common hepatic artery
8) Superior Mesenteric artery
9) Internal Iliac
10) External Iliac arteries
11) Axillary Vein
12) Jugular.

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Identification of common neck/trunk vasculature on model is in the solution.

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Identification of common neck/trunk vasculature on model, including the Brachiocephalic ...

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