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The process of bone remodeling

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A description of the bone remodeling process with attention to the hormones and the minerals involved in that process. The process is broken down into four steps, with an analysis of the cells, hormones, and minerals involved in each.

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A description of the bone remodeling process with attention to the hormones and the minerals involved in that process. The process is broken down into four steps, with an analysis of the cells, hormones, and minerals involved in each.

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Bone remodeling occurs in four basic stages as follows:
A. Quiescent Phase
B. Resorption Phase
C. Formation Phase
D. Quiescent Phase Post Remodeling

Quiescent Phase
So in the first phase, the bone is quiescent or resting. Within the bone, osteocytes secret a hormone called sclerostain, which inhibits Wnt signaling in stromal cells. In the blood, pre-osteoclast cells are circulating.

Resorption Phase
The next stage, resorption, is triggered by changes in the stress on the bone, which causes microfractures to appear. Osteocytes near the crack undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death, which in turn triggers other nearby osteocytes to secrete prostaglandins and nitric ...

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