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Microbiology and Major Events in its History

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What does abiogenesis refer to and who finally settled the spontaneous generation debate?

List the roles of each of the following individuals in the development of microbiology: Koch, Pasteur, Lister, van Leeuwenhoek, Redi, Tyndall

What is the major criterion for placing bacteria into groups?

Which bacteria characteristically lack a cell wall?
Which prokaryotic cell structure is responsible for protein synthesis? Energy production?

Which eukaryotic cell structure is responsible for energy production? Packaging and secreting cellular materials?

What are the environmental factors that induce endospore formation and why?

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Solution Summary

This solution includes detailed information on abiogenesis and several important microbiologists,such as Leeuwenhoek, Redi, Tyndall, Koch, Pasteur, and Lister, and their roles in microbiology.

It discusses how bacteria are grouped, bacteria that lack cell walls, structures required in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells needed for protein synthesis, energy production, packaging cellular materials and why endospores form.

Links are also included to provide further information or explanations that you may need.

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Abiogenesis is the theory that life evolved from non-living things or inanimate matter. It was believed that life could spontaneously generate, which was disproved by Louis Pasteur. He accomplished this by showing that the air had microorganisms floating around in it. He did this by passing air through gun cotton filters, which trapped the particles in the air. He dissolved the cotton with a mixture of ether and alcohol, which allowed the particles to settle at the bottom of the liquid. He examined the material and found numerous microbes that he knew to be present in putrefying material. He realized that if this material in the air landed on other material, it could contaminate it. He entered a contest to perform an experiment to disprove the spontaneous generation theory based off of this new knowledge. He poured a liquid medium into a flask and then killed the microbes with heat. He heated the end of the ...

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