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Put the steps of natural selection in order

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Which of the following shows events in the proper order to reflect how natural selection works?

Permethrin is used to kill lice; individual lice change in order to survive; most lice become resistant to permethrin.

A louse population evolved resistance to permethrin; permethrin is is used to kill lice; lice become more common in school children.

Permethrin will kill all louse populations in all children; different organisms will then take over and become more common in schoolchildren.

Louse populations become more common in schoolchildren; some lice are resistant to permethrin; permethrin is used to kill lice; lice resistant to permethrin beome the most common type.

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Solution Summary

This question list 4 different scenarios and asks which one is a good example of how natural selection works. Each scenario is discussed in the solution with reason why it is or is not a good example of natural selection. In the solution each scenario is also re-ordered so that it does fit into the correct natural selection model.

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1. Permethrin is used to kill lice; individual lice change in order to survive; most lice become resistant to permethrin.
Yes, this is a correct order of how natural selection works. The drug is effective in killing most lice, but the survivors are then able to take over the population. It's important to realize that changes in individuals are a key component of natural selection. It only takes a change in one organism to start to spread a new trait through ...

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