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Pathogenesis and Physiology

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Explain the pathogenesis and physiology, as well as the signs, symptoms, treatment, and nursing actions of the following conditions:
- presbyopia
- condylomata acuminata.

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The solution explains the pathogenesis and physiology. Presbyopia and condylomata acuminata's are examined.

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Pathogenesis and physiology
In the eye, the lens needs to change its length or shape to focus on objects that are close. The ability of the lens to change shape is called the elasticity of the lens. This elasticity is slowly lost as people age. The result is a slow decrease in the ability of the eye to focus on nearby objects.

Signs and symptoms
- Decreased focusing ability for near objects
- Eyestrain
- Headache

There is no cure for presbyopia, but it can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. In some cases, adding bifocals to an existing lens prescription is beneficial. As the ability to focus up close worsens, the bifocal prescription needs to be strengthened. Around age 65, ...

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