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Anatomical modifications of plant organs allow new functions

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Angiosperms (flowering plants) are the largest Phylum in the plant kingdom (Angiospermophyta is also called Anthophyta or Magnoliophyta). These plants have true roots, stems, leaves and flowers. The roots grow into the soil to anchor the plant in place and take up water and nutrients. The leaves are above ground and act as the main organs for photosynthesis. Stems act as aboveground support for the plant and operate as conduits to move nutrients and water throughout the plant. Flowers contain the male and female reproductive organs of the plant.
With these anatomical features in mind, do some research to find an angiosperm that has modified leaves, stems, roots or flowers that do not function in the normal manner, or that function in an unusual manner. Explain how this modification helped the plant adapt to its environment. Compare and contrast your choice with at least 2 plants presented by other students.

Example: A California Barrel Cactus has spines in place of leaves to reduce water loss.
? Describe the relationship between chemistry and the characteristics of living things.
? Apply critical thinking skills to the content of the course.

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Plants evolve modified leaves, stems, roots or flowers that function in an unusual manner.

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The question "find an angiosperm that has modified leaves, stems, roots or flowers that do not function in the normal manner, or that function in an unusual manner" is asking for adaptations of these organs to functions different to the original function.

Examples ...

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