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Cancer Vaccination

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Please provide a description of cancer vaccinations including an explanation of the difference between endogenous and exogenous categories of vaccines. Also, please provide several references for further elaboration of the topic.

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This solution provides an introductory overview of cancer vaccinations, explains the difference between endogenous and exogenous vaccines, and comments on the reasons for the relative failure of such cancer treatments.

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Vaccines have been highly effective in generating protective immunity against infectious agents. However, their use against cancer has been generally disappointing. Vaccines can be exogenous or endogenous. Exogenous vaccines involve introducing preselected antigens on antibody delivery vehicles targeted to dendritic cells, encoded in viral vectors, or introduced as peptides in a suitable adjuvant and carrier. Their failure in treatment of cancers could have been a result of deficiencies at various steps. It may result from poor selection of antigens that were unable to generate protective T cells, suboptimal delivery ...

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