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Auditor collect documentation, perform analytical procedures

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If the best evidence an auditor can collect is only that meets the criteria of coming from a highly independent source, being highly objective, highly competent, highly reliable, etc., why would an auditor collect anything other than evidence that meets all of that criteria? In other words, why would the auditor collect documentation, perform analytical procedures or make inquiries of the client if those types of evidence are considered "low" in terms of the criteria it is supposed to meet?

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Auditor collect documentation are examined to perform analytical procedures.

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If the best evidence an auditor can collect is only that meets the criteria of coming from a highly independent source, being highly objective, highly competent, highly reliable, etc., why would an auditor collect anything other than evidence that meets all of that criteria? In other words, why would the auditor collect documentation, perform analytical procedures or make inquiries of the client if those types of evidence are considered "low" in terms of the criteria it is supposed to meet?

Audit evidence is all the information that an auditor uses to arrive at auditing conclusions upon which audit opinion is based. These audit evidence includes inspection of records or documents, inquiry, observation, inspection of tangible assets, confirmation, scanning analytical procedures, and recalculation. Though the best evidence that an auditor can collect are those that only meet the criteria of coming from a highly independent source, being highly objective, highly competent, highly reliable and so on, it is of significant importance ...

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