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Leaders that do not connect emotionally with their employees

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Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?
Some leaders do not connect with other people emotions because it might jeopardize their career or relationship. A person has to have a high intelligence skill (Emotional intelligence).

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This solution explores the issue of leaders that do not connect emotionally with their employees out of fears that it may jeopardize their career or relationships.

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Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?
Some leaders do not connect with other people emotions because it might jeopardize their career or relationship. A person has to have a high intelligence skill (Emotional intelligence).

There are many leaders that do not connect with other people's emotions because of fears that it may damage or jeopardize their career or personal relationships. This factor however, hurts the organization. A leader needs to have a ...

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