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Non-Verbal Communication Elements

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Give an example of each form of nonverbal communication:  haptics, physical appearance, artifacts, environmental factors, proxemics, chronemics, paralanguage, and silence. Describe a personal situation where you had to express a strong emotion, include how you used at least 3 of the nonverbal communication.

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Solution Summary

This detailed response includes the definition and example of the following elements of nonverbal communication: haptics, physical appearance, artifacts, environmental factors, proxemics, chronemics, paralanguage, and silence. It also provides a personal example using five of these elements.

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Haptics involves the sense of touch. People may engage in nonverbal communication through touch, for example, when shaking the hand of a person, one may choose to add an additional hand on the other person's elbow to further convey a friendliness or closeness (President Clinton does this).

Physical appearance is a form of nonverbal communication in which one's status or position may be communicated. Consider for instance how employees serving customers may wear uniforms. Or how technology executives are often defined by their hoodies and casual clothes. Conversely, high level executives in more traditional industries are frequently pictured in a dark suit and tie. Different colors also play a role in nonverbal communication. Darker clothes are often considered more formal than lighter clothing.

Artifacts are physical items that may convey nonverbal messages. For instance, an expensive outfit, jewelry, or car may convey importance. Different color ties have been used in the political area to show political leanings. An office can be decorated with different personal or ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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