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Speaker: I think my staff is of the opinion that the sky's the limit in terms of communication. But we don't necessarily rely on voice which has how we usually communicate. We rely on body language. Again dogs don't use their voice, we watch their body language. We'll train dogs to hand signals which is very common. In terms of people, many of our deaf people don't rely on voice, they rely on hand signals or sign language. Many of our disabled people do rely on voice but sometimes don't have modulation or are not forceful enough. So we have to be open to a wide variety of communications skills.

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Speaker: I think my staff is of the opinion that the sky's the limit in terms of communication. But we don't
necessarily rely on voice which has how we usually communicate. We rely on body language.
Again dogs don't use their voice, we watch their body language. We'll train dogs to hand signals which is
very common. In terms of people, many of our deaf people don't rely on voice, they rely on hand signals
or sign language. Many of our disabled people do rely on voice but sometimes don't have modulation or
are not forceful enough. So we have to be open to a wide variety of communications skills.

What are the difficulties in communicating through ways other than words, and when might you need to use body language when communicating with a customer?

If you were hiring a receptionist or customer service representative, what essential phone service skills would you look for in your top candidates? Explain.

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The opinion that the sky's the limit in terms of communication is discussed in the solution.

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What are the difficulties in communicating through ways other than words, and when might you need to use body language when communicating with a customer?

The difficulty in communication without words is that body language can be misinterpreted. For example, in some countries a hand shake is appropriate when saying hello. However, in ...

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