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Questions in ethical behavior foundations

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1.Think back to a job you have had or an organization you have been involved in. Did that company or organization have immoral management, moral management, or amoral management? What characteristics did the management demonstrate to make you classify it the way you did?
2. Describe the sources of your own personal values. Where did you learn those values? How important are those values to you? How might your own personal values collide with a company's values?
3. Describe an ethical dilemma that you faced in the workplace and how you responded. Analyze whether your decision was economically, legally, and ethically responsible and defend your response.
4. If you determine that your response did not meet all three responsibilities, evaluate whether any alternative courses of action would have done so. Ascertain whether you would choose the same course of action again or if you would act differently. Explain your response.
5. Of the 6 ethical norms listed: family, friends, profession, employer, fellow workers, and society at large. Select three sources from that list and provide an example of an ethical norm that is communicated by, or prevailing in, each of those sources.

•Find one business research article that describes a study that used qualitative research and one that used quantitative research, and answer the following questions:

• How was each study conducted?
• What are some similarities and differences between the two approaches?

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Solution Summary

The questions and answers focus on how ethical behavior in business is established. It focuses on ethical behavior development and approaches to ethical behavior consideration.

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1.Think back to a job you have had or an organization you have been involved in. Did that company or organization have immoral management, moral management, or amoral management? What characteristics did the management demonstrate to make you classify it the way you did?
In a previous job, the organization used the moral management. This was demonstrated on several occasions, by actions taken against fraudulent activities and by upholding decisions made by managers, based on fact finding rather than on word of mouth. In one instance, an employee was terminated for falsifying legal, medical documents. At the same time, management did not necessarily take the word of the informant, but created a situation to catch the actual behavior. Another instance involved a patient claiming an employee treated her unfairly and failed to help. The organization was aware of the incident prior to the complaint and had already gathered information about the situation, knowing he employee had been more than fair to the patient and went out of her way to help. The medical staff pulled the patient aside and reprimanded her, threatened dismissal for any future behaviors that involved false claims.

2. Describe the sources of your own personal values. Where did you learn those values? How important are those values to you? How might your own personal values collide with a company's values?
My personal values, particularly those related to workplace behavior, come from my parents. Both have described situations in their jobs, in which others have tried to tempt them into taking shortcuts, falsifying records, or in being less production. Neither would give in to coercion or pressure from their peers in the workplace. The values of honest, productive work of the best quality possible are extremely important. However, sometimes an honest employee can hurt an organization, if ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Jones International University
  • BSc, DeVry University
  • MPH, Walden University
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