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Define sweatshop

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Many celebrities, such as Kathy Lee Gifford, and top manufacturers, such as Nike, have been accused of producing their wares in "sweatshops." Define sweatshop. Would you buy a product if you knew it was made in a sweatshop? Why or why not?

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Many celebrities, such as Kathy Lee Gifford, and top manufacturers, such as Nike, have been accused of producing their wares in "sweatshops." Define sweatshop. Would you buy a product if you knew it was made in a sweatshop? Why or why not?

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Sweatshops are known to mistreat employees by not having safe working conditions, by abusing and/or threatening employees, not paying employees sufficient living wages and child ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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