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Important information about Equal Pay Act of 1967

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1. What was the purpose of the Equal Pay Act of 1967? Has the law accomplished its purpose? Why or why not?

2. How do Title VII and its amendments protect employees? Are laws necessary to govern ethical treatment of employees? Why or why not? Explain.

I need about 100 to 150 words with 1 or 2 references to complete this paper.

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The solution addresses - The purpose of the Equal Pay Act of 1967? How do Title VII and its amendments protect employees?

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Discussion topics for Paper
1. What was the purpose of the Equal Pay Act of 1967?
"Employers may not pay unequal wages to men and women who perform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort and responsibility, and that are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment." (EEOC 2009) The act afforded both genders to be paid equally for performing the same job.
Reference source:
Has the law accomplished its purpose? Why or why not?
It has. No longer can companies and business pay one gender or one race less than another for ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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