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Worst or most fearful terrorist act

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Nuclear, chemical, biological, technological, and violence-inspired methods have historically been used by terrorists to instill fear and hurt innocent victims. In your opinion, what is the worst or most fearful terrorist act? Do you believe that these terrorist cell members are right in any manner? Substantiate your response.

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The expert examines the worst or most fearful therrorist acts.

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The unexpected act is the worst thing we fear. There are so many ways to instill terror in people and the unknown or possibility of a terrorist strike is the worst. Committing an unexpected act garners the most attention and the collateral damage emotionally and psychologically. The affect of the Japanese railway attack, the Spanish train attacks, the transportation attacks in London and the 911 attacks all came from not only the loss of life and injury, but in the unexpected attack in the most common of everyday things, commuting. Psychologically the effect was to make people wary and fearful of their homes, norms, and how their lives can be changed in ...

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