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Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model

1) What is your opinion on MARLON'S ANSWER to the Question below?


Google openly maintains an open work environment. As per Jordan Newman, offices and campuses of Google reflect the overarching philosophy that is they wanted to make an ideal workplace in the world where employees are the happiest people and generate the most productive results (Stewart, 2013). Radcliffe who is the vice president of Google's Real Estate and Workplace services said that the company created a living laboratory type environment where every provided thing holds superb quality and is tested to make sure they are providing a perfect environment to all Googlers. He included "Casual collisions are what we try and create in the work environment. You can't schedule innovation, you can't schedule idea generation and so when we think our facilities around the world we're really looking for little opportunities for engineers or for creative people to come together." Google's facilities include three meals per day all free with the addition to unlimited snacks. In fact, Googlers are gaining weight (Blackstone, 2013).

Radcliffe also told that the idea behind the formation of Google was to build a building where new things are creatively and happily tried out and let to know what works and what works not (Blackstone, 2013). Approximately more than 40,000 creative minds are involved behind this ideal company who presents the most innovative ideas in the form of their products. Googlers are working around the world in more than 40 countries running more than 70 offices, having headquarters in Mountain View, California commonly known with the name Googleplex. (Google.com, 2015)

There lies an interesting history behind Google. It was founded with an intention to provide a search engine for a school's computer system. Nobody knew later on it will grow to the highest level and will benefit the entire world. It was founded by two masterminds, Sergey, and Larry. In beginning they named this search engine project as BackRub, and then renamed it as Google; when they decided to make a company. Officially Google emerged as a company in the year 1998, with its first office in a garage that was located in Menlo Park (Farfan, 2015).

The strategy Google follows aligns with the assurance of easy and friendly user experience. They serve their users by merely serving them. People prioritize Google over other search engines because it saves time and provides the best results. They make this happen by rigorously analyzing "individuals posting links on websites to help determine which other sites offer content of value". Furthermore, they evaluate the value of each and every web page through "more than 200 signals and a variety of techniques, including their patented PageRank™ algorithm, which analyzes which sites have been "voted" to be the best sources of information by other pages across the web". They believe in providing services that really excels (Google.com, 2015).


Blackstone. (2013). Inside Google workplaces, from perks to nap pods. Retrieved from

Farfan, B. (2015). Interesting Facts About Google. About.com Money. Retrieved from

Google.com,. (2015). Google locations - Company - Google. Retrieved from

Stewart, J. (2013). The New York Times. Retrieved from

QUESTION???????????Please discuss the Environment, Resources and Organizational History and Strategy inputs in the context of your "Best 100" company (Zappos). Be thorough, and be specific. ***Be Sure To Provide References***.

2) What is your opinion on KOBIE'S ANSWER to the Question above?


The Nadler Tushman Congruence organizational diagnostic model is simple yet thorough. It is a framework that can be easily applied to any discipline or organizational size. The most important component of this model is the concept of output as being more than just products and services. Nadler specifies outputs to include member behavior and its direct effect on the organization. The Nadler and Tushman model takes a close look at how the organization interacts with and makes decisions regarding the environment, its resources, and its history. The Booz Hamilton Company is a good fit to be analyzed with the four input categories of this model.

The first input is that of environment. There are several individuals, organizations and community events that can have an impact on the company's success. Booz Allen is very outgoing company that interacts with many different organizations in the environment. Booz Allen interacts with military, conservationists, politicians, healthcare providers, information technologists, as well as individual stakeholders.

Booz Allen both has resources available for its success as well as it is a resource for the success of others. Internally Booz Allen has a strong Human Resources team that coaches and mentors its employees in areas of benefit packages, equal opportunity employment and career management. Booz Allen is a resource to all of its business partners that utilize its consulting services, innovation and technology services or its engineering services.

Organizational history

Booz Allen has traditionally had the foresight to hand pick each employee to keep the integrity of the company. The company is dedicated to the community and good citizenship.

Strategy and goal

Uses its resources to improve product delivery, train and retain employees, and support sustainable growth in the global market. Booz Allen meets it goals by being transparent with, developing lasting relationships with business partners. Booz Allen also has a strategy of using its resources to support the community.


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Congruence Models are examined.

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Marlon's answer helps to clarify the exemplary service that Google provides. Because of their dedication to content that is free and for the consumer, Google is the only large search engine that doesn't allow paid advertisements to pop-up when consumers are using its ...

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