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Critical Thinking Information

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What are the components of critical thinking?
What are some benefits of thinking critically?
What are some of the costs of fallacious reasoning?

How can you apply critical thinking to improve your decision-making?
What happens to decision-making in the absence of critical thinking? Can you provide an example?

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Answers to questions about critical thinking and its components, good points, and what happens when there are problems with critical thinking.

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1. The components most consider as part of critical thinking are perceptions and assumptions, based on experiences of the thinker. Emotional considerations, logical and illogical separation of facts, and problem solving. Sometime language is an issue or component as well as arguments for and opposing the decisions to be made and assumptions of fallacy.

2. Critical thinking is about analyzing all sides of a decision before making the decision. Brainstorming and consideration of facts, possible solutions and impossible solutions allow the person to make more solid and less ...

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