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High Performance Organizations: Measures

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What are the HR functions that contribute to creating a high performance organization (HPO)? What are some ways of measuring the HR effectiveness? Which methods one use to measure managers in an HPO company? Why? Which methods would one use to measure employees? Why?

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This solution focuses on what set HPOs (High Performance Organizations) apart from others, as well as the organization's measurement systems for HR, managers, and employees.

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High performance organizations are entities that have developed and maintained certain successful processes that allow them to foster employees' commitment/dedication, service their customers effectively, and remain competitive.

Some of the HR functions that contribute to creating a high performance organization are:

? Promote the organization's culture-When an organization's culture is well defined, employees are more likely to understand it and want to be part of it.
? Promote client-centeredness-customers are the main reason companies are able to exist. In today's environment, where ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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