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Topic:Understanding business

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1.Since there are no hierarchies in worker-owned firms, how would you go about setting the pay scale for people, especially over time?
2.Since there is no hierarchy, there is no way of moving up in the firm. How do you motivate people in such conditions?
3.A worker-owned firm is a radical way of empowering workers. What is the advantage of empowering workers in the first place?

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1.Since there are no hierarchies in worker-owned firms, how would you go about setting the pay scale for people, especially over time?
2.Since there is no hierarchy, there is no way of moving up in the firm. How do you motivate people in such conditions?
3.A worker-owned firm is a radical way of empowering workers. What is the advantage of empowering workers in the first place?

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1.Since there are no hierarchies in worker-owned firms, how would you go about setting the pay scale for people, especially over time?

It could be set up based on duration of employment. Thus, if a person has been in a position for a certain amount of time, he would be paid more than a person who has just come in at the same position. In addition, people who manage others may be paid more than people who do not as it may entail more work. The workload should be taken into ...

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