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Ethics in the Workplace

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Respond to the following questions in your own words. Your responses should include specific examples.

1. What are the elements that define corporate culture? Research a business or organization and create a cultural profile of that company based on information you can find from the company's website, advertising and promotional material.

2. Describe the difference between a job and a career. Does the level of meaning one derives from a job matter as much the level of meaning one derives from a career? Why or why not?

3. In a local or national newspaper, find an article about a topic related to business ethics. Read the article. Then, write an answer to one of the following questions:

- Explain what the article is about. Identify the corporate culture of the company described in the article. Who creates such a culture?is it simply management or do the other employees impact it as well. Describe a specific idea you have that would improve the corporate culture described in the article.


- Explain what the article is about. Pretend you were just made head of Human Resources for the company described in the article. The CEO tells you that he wishes to have a culture of respect and excellence. How would you begin to determine whether or not such a culture currently exists and what is needed, if anything, to accomplish this goal? Who would you speak with first? Is such a goal even possible if you determine that the current culture is disrespectful and chaotic? Describe some specific steps you would recommend to improve things.

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This solution provides assistance with the problems regarding the workplace.

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Respond to the following questions in your own words. Your responses should include specific examples

1. What are the elements that define corporate culture? Research a business or organization and create a cultural profile of that company based on information you can find from the company's website, advertising and promotional material.

The elements of corporate culture are the actions and statements the company makes and embraces and then puts into practice. Among those are their commitment to the environment and their people. The leaders and their leadership styles are one indication of corporate culture. The employee morale and work habits are also part of the corporate culture. Communication within the company is another key element. How the company treats employees in terms of professional growth, work days, work-life balance can all be part of the corporate culture.

Smithfield Foods is a good company to consider. They have a corporate culture that is inclusive of diversity. The welcome their employees and consider training and learning to be a core value. ...

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