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The Toro Company

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Please complete this practice problem.
Do the following events result in a recordable transaction for The Toro Company? Answer yes or no for each. If you answer no, provide an explanation as to why that transaction would not be recorded in Toro Company's general ledger (they operate under the accrual basis of accounting).

1. Toro purchased robotic manufacturing equipment that it paid for by signing a note payable.
2. Six investors in Toro sold their stock to another investor.
3. The company lent $150,000 to a member of the board of directors.
4. The Toro Company ordered supplies from Office Max to be delivered next week.
5. The president of The Toro Company purchased additional stock in another company.
6. The company borrowed $1,000,000 from a local bank.

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to answer do the following events result in a recordable transaction for The Toro Company.

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Please complete this practice problem.
Do the following events result in a recordable transaction for The Toro Company? Answer yes or no for each. If you answer no, provide an explanation as to why that transaction would not be recorded in Toro Company's general ledger (they operate under the accrual basis of accounting).

1. Toro purchased robotic ...

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