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What is it about project management that offers business a competitive advantage in its industry

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1. What is it about project management that offers business a competitive advantage in its industry.

2.Think of a successful project and one unsuccessful project.What distinguishes those two, both in terms of the process used to develop them and their outcomes.

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The project management that offers business a competitive advantage in its industry is determined.

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1. What is it about project management that offers business a competitive advantage in its industry.

Project management as a concept allows managers and organizations to control the flow of information, data, products, and services within a project from start to end. It's main goal is to increase efficiency and minimize cost. Project management, if implemented correctly, can also offer some considerable competitive advantages:

- Increased efficiency. Project management simplifies and 'maps' the requires steps to complete a project. It allows for the minimization of errors.
- Shorter times. It helps increase customer satisfaction as orders and requirements are fulfilled quicker ...

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