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Global marketing challenges

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What unique challenges does a global marketer face in setting a price and managing prices versus a company that markets only nationally?

What are the pricing advantages of an e-business over the more traditional brick and mortar companies?

Explain the role of packaging in terms of perception.

What are some of the relevant regulations that pertain to market pricing in the industry you work in?

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What unique challenges does a global marketer face in setting a price and managing prices versus a company that markets only nationally?

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What unique challenges does a global marketer face in setting a price and managing prices versus a company that markets only nationally?

The most unique challenge which a global marketer face in setting and managing prices is that they need to consider exchange rate fluctuations, import duties in foreign nation, tax related treaties between the domestic country and foreign country, etc, which is not required in the pricing strategies of domestic companies. Thus, the whole process of setting up price in international markets is quite complex and requires thorough analysis.

Further, another unique challenge is that it is not analyze the competitor's pricing strategy in international markets as compared to analyzing the domestic competitor's pricing. Also, it is difficult to comprehend and understand the customer's perspective on pricing in international markets, which may differ greatly from country to country and will require significant degree ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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