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FIN110-0903B-14 Personal Finance Concepts

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IN110-0903B-14 Personal Finance Concepts
Assignment Name: Unit 2 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 1-2 pages

Bernie and Pam Britten are a young married couple beginning careers and establishing a household. They will each make about $50,000 next year and will have accumulated about $40,000 to invest. They now rent an apartment but are considering purchasing a condominium for $100,000. If they do, a down payment of $10,000 will be required.

They have discussed their situation with Lew McCarthy, an investment adviser and personal friend, and he has recommended the following investments:

* The condominium - expected annual increase in market value = 2%.
* Municipal bonds - expected annual yield = 3%.
* High-yield corporate stocks - expected dividend yield = 5%.
* Savings account in a commercial bank-expected annual yield = 1%.
* High-growth common stocks - expected annual increase in market value = 6%; expected dividend yield = 0.

1. Calculate the after-tax yields on the foregoing investments, assuming the Brittens have a 28% marginal tax rate (based on Public Law 108-27, The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003).
2. How would you recommend the Brittens invest their $40,000? Explain your answer.


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The solution examines personal finance options for investment properties.

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