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Health care organization: Budgeting & Sources of Funding

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Select any health care organization with which you are familiar with in the United States (or one that you would like to learn more about), and think about the role of budgeting in that particular organization. Conduct research, as needed, to find out more about the budgeting process of this organization.
Bring to mind a wide range of health care organizations, such as a long-term care facility, large for-profit hospital, physicians' practice, VA hospital, or state-run clinic. Consider how budgeting would be influenced depending on an organization's sources of funding. How do the purposes or uses of a budget vary according to the kind of health care organization it is?

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Select any health care organization with which you are familiar with in the United States(or one that you would like to learn more about), and think about the role of budgeting in that particular organization. Conduct research, as needed, to find out more about the budgeting process of this organization.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics (UUHC) was struggling to keep expenses to target levels. Budgets were something set at the beginning of the year and then used as a signal that "all went well"? or "all didn't go so well" at year end. The budget was not helpful in figuring out why variances occurred, which variances were serious and which were natural, and whether spending was bad forecasting or poor control. In other words, the budget was a blunt instrument with a "happy"? or "sad"? overall report. UUHC was not exploring all the possible benefits of modern budgeting.

With the help of professional consulting, they established that much of the unfavorable spending variances were actually warranted by higher activity levels and a much smaller portion of the unfavorable spending variances were out of control expenses. Further, they started budgeting with ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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