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Management Discussion and Analysis: Creating a Memo

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Define the management's discussion and analysis. Describe in a memo, not to exceed 300 words, the major items disclosed in this section of the financial report. Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.

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This solution explains items included in the Management Discussion and Analysis of the financial report. The sources used are also included in the solution.

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Step 1:
Header of the memo:
FROM: Management Trainee
DATE: February 5th 2014
SUBJECT: Management Discussion and Analysis

Step 2:
Body of the Memo:
This memo discusses the major items disclosed in this section of the financial report.
One of the items discussed in the Management Discussion and Analysis is an overview of the operations of the company. This section also discusses how the company fared during the period of the report. The Management Discussion and Analysis also gives a brief plan of what it intends to do during the next year. It outlines the ...

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