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Outcome of a lawsuit

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Your assignment is to write a 300-word e-mail memo to Jan describing how Calliope's accounts and financial statements will be affected by the following possible outcomes of the lawsuit. Your e-mail should answer the following questions:

? If Calliope's legal department thinks it is probable that the company will be found liable on the lawsuit, and the amount the company will be liable for can be reasonably estimated at $100,000, how should this item be treated in Calliope's accounts and financial statements.
? If Calliope's legal department thinks it is probable that Calliope will be found liable on the lawsuit, but cannot reasonably estimate the amount of damages that Calliope will be liable for, how should this item be treated in the Calliope's accounts and financial statements.
? If Calliope's legal department thinks it is reasonably possible that the company will be found liable on the lawsuit, but cannot reasonably estimate the amount of damages that Calliope will be liable for, how should this item be treated in Calliope's accounts and financial statements.
? If Calliope's legal department thinks it is remote that the company will be found liable on the lawsuit, how should this item be treated in Calliope's accounts and financial statements?

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The solution explains the impact on the financial statements of the possible outcomes of a lawsuit.

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Your assignment is to write a 300-word e-mail memo to Jan describing how Calliope's accounts and financial statements will be affected by the following possible outcomes of the lawsuit. Your e-mail should answer the following questions:

? If Calliope's legal department thinks it is probable that the company will be found liable on the lawsuit, and the amount the company will be liable for can be reasonably estimated at $100,000, how should this item be treated in Calliope's accounts and financial statements.
? If Calliope's legal department thinks it is probable that Calliope will be found liable on the lawsuit, but cannot reasonably estimate the amount of damages that Calliope will be liable for, how should this item be treated in the Calliope's ...

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