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Foreign Currency and Nike Case Study

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Since Nike has international business in numerous countries, it closely monitors exchange rate movements. In particular, Nike has major business in Japan and in the United Kingdom. It has even begun to sell its shoes in Eastern European countries. Nike recognizes that it must monitor movements in currencies that were not allowed to fluctuate in the past. It has also recently expanded its business in Latin America, where currencies can be quite volatile.

What specific factors do you think Nike considers when determining how the value of the Japanese yen may change in the near future? Would it consider the same factors when determining how the value of the Czech Republic's currency (the koruna) may change?

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This solution of 191 words discusses factors that Nike may consider when determining the future of the Japanese Yen and the Czech Republic's currency.

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Anna Liza Gaspar


Some of the specific factors the Nike would consider when determining how the value of the Japanese yen may change in the near future are Japanese and US interest rates and ...

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