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What is the most important role of Human Resources

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It's time to meet with senior management and explain what you do and why you do it. You don't want to overwhelm them with details, so you ask yourself the following question:

What do you believe is the most important role of Human Resources in an organization?

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The 290 word solution lists and explains the four more important roles or goals of human resources within an organization. Each of the four is explained and the consequences of not fully supporting all four are listed including a reference.

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In human resource literature, there are normally four stated goals or priorities: Cost, Liability, Administration and Productivity.

The goal of 'Cost' refers to the cost of managing labor expenses. Included in the cost category is total pay packages, safety plans, and benefit choices. In addition, the goal of improving the hiring practices and screening policies is crucial to cost reductions.

Liability refers to understanding labor law, incorporating it into an employee handbook and training ...

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