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Identify, compare, and contrast the job competencies for the occupational groups in the medical, auto parts, and high-tech industries.

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Identify, compare, and contrast the job competencies for the occupational groups in the medical, auto parts, and high-tech industries.

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The expert identifies, compares and contrasts the job competencies for the occupational groups in the medical, auto parts, and high-tech industries.

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Compare and Contrast in Job Competencies
Distinctive job competencies are required for diverse occupational groups for performing the duties and roles effectively. Management, communication, leadership, technical, scientific, etc. skills are countered as job competences that are required for individuals to perform duties for different occupational groups (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 2002). Particular professional qualification and technical skills are required for each occupational group as medical, auto parts and high-tech industries that indicates to the similarity in job competence for these groups (Cornish, et. al, 2010). Additionally, effective decision making and leadership style are also needed to perform the job more effectively that is also similar for each occupational group. The skills ...

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