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Environment Complexity in a University

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1. Discuss several factors that cause environmental complexity to an organization that we all have in common: Any university. How do these environmental complexities lead to organizational complexity?

2. Explain why organizations get involved in interorganizational activity. Why is interorganizational activity especially critical when community safety and security is at risk?

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This solution discussed several factors that cause environment complexity to an organization, such as a University; how these environmental complexities lead to organizational complexity; one also explained why organization get involved in interorganizational activity as well as why interorganizational activity is critical when community safety and security is at risk.

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1. Discuss several factors that cause environmental complexity to an organization that we all have in common: Any university. How do these environmental complexities lead to organizational complexity?

Several factors are present when it comes to the complexity of an organization. These consist of politics, human resources, structure, and symbolism. Politics consists of the legal aspects within a business, such as various human resource management laws, accounting laws, and so forth. Human Resource primarily deals with the hiring, retaining, and training of workers within a firm. The individual is able to discipline the individual if they fail to do their job correctly, or make the necessary positive changes that are needed in order to make the company better. Structure is crucial, and is determined upon strategy. This could become a matrix format, or whatever direction management chooses. Symbolism is in reference to rituals, legends, stories, and so forth that help bring about unity within the business. These help to bring about teamwork, and help to bring about job satisfaction as a result.

Within the university setting, all of the factors are crucial in how it runs on a daily basis. A college has to hire professors to teach classes, and they are evaluated by ...

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