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HR Teambuilding Scenario

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One of your new contacts from the teambuilding seminar has called you for help. She is the Human Resource Manager of a larger manufacturing company. Her division is divided into 7 departments and each department is dependent on the other for success.

In today's morning production meeting, the superintendents expressed much concern over low product quality. Additionally, the plant manager announced this week that corporate sales have increased production goals 50 percent for the next two quarters. Production demands have been high and the equipment has been running non-stop for several months.

Over the past few months she has noticed an increase in absenteeism from several of the departments. Resignations are on the rise. The division staffing goals are at an all time low, which means that since the production goals have increased, so will overtime. Employee motivation has been slowly decreasing and this is having a negative impact on employee performance.

Your friend has outlined several concerns. Your assignment is to help her follow the diagnostic process and identify at least four of those concerns. Help her create strategies that HRM could use to help change the present culture.

Send your friend an e-mail on the concerns and diagnosis you have highlighted and the strategies that you recommend for changing morale and quality of the product.

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Thank you for posting today. It is my goal to provide ideas, definitions, research help, and instructions on how you, the student, should approach the assignment.

Here's a good text that talks about culture and change:

" Organizational culture and change
There are a number of methodologies specifically dedicated to organizational culture change such as Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline and Arthur F Carmazzi's Directive Communication. These are also a variety of psychological approaches that have been developed into a system for specific outcomes such as the Fifth Discipline's "learning organization" or Directive Communication's "corporate culture evolution." Ideas and strategies, on the other hand, seem to vary according to particular influences that affect culture.

Burman and Evans (2008) argue that it is 'leadership' that affects culture rather than 'management', and describe the difference[9]. When one wants to change an aspect of the culture of an organization one has to keep in consideration that this is a long term project. Corporate culture is something that is very hard to change and employees need time to get used to the new way of organizing. For companies with a very strong and specific culture it will be even harder to change.

Cummings & Worley (2005, p. 491 - 492) give the following six guidelines for cultural change, these changes are in line with the eight distinct stages mentioned by Kotter (1995, p. 2)3:

1. Formulate a clear strategic vision (stage 1,2 & 3 of Kotter, 1995, p. 2)
In order to make a cultural change effective a ...

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