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outsource HRM functions

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5. Why do organizations outsource HRM functions? How does outsourcing affect the role of human resource professionals? Would you be more attracted to the role of HRM professional in an organization that outsources many HR activities or in the outside firm that has the contract to provide the HR services? Why?

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Why do organizations outsource HRM functions? How does outsourcing affect the role of human resource professionals? Would you be more attracted to the role of HRM professional in an organization that outsources many HR activities or in the outside firm that has the contract to provide the HR services? Why?

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Organizations outsource HRM functions to save costs as well as to allow the organizational employees to focus more on core activities.

Outsourcing affect the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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