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The employee disciplinary process involves many people and o

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The employee disciplinary process involves many people and often includes supervisors, human resource departments, the work group, arbitrators and top management. Each has a crucial role to play if the discipline system is to be effective.

Discuss the elements of your company's discipline system or process and explain whether you feel it is effective or not in handling difficult or ineffective employees

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The employee disciplinary process involves many people and often includes supervisors, human resource departments, the work group, arbitrators and top management. Each has a crucial role to play if the discipline system is to be effective.

Discuss the elements of your company's discipline system or process and explain whether you feel it is effective or not in handling difficult or ineffective employees

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I work in a public accounting firm, and we have a somewhat structured disciplinary system at our company. Although it does not happen too often, when an employee has been alleged of a wrongdoing that is in violation of our company's policies and procedures, the employee first meets with his or her immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor explains ...

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