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Computation of cost of inventory and the cost of goods

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E4-16 In June, Naperville Company reports the following for the month of June.
Units Unit Cost Total Cost
June 1 Inventory 200 $5 $1,000
12 Purchases 300 6 1,800
23 Purchases 500 7 3,500
30 Inventory 150

(a) Compute the cost of the ending inventory and the cost of goods sold under (1) FIFO and
(2) LIFO.
(b) Which costing method gives the higher ending inventory? Why?
(c) Which method results in the higher cost of goods sold? Why?

E4-17 Inventory data for Naperville Company are presented in E4-16.
(a) Compute the cost of the ending inventory and the cost of goods sold using the average
cost method.
(b) Will the results in (a) be higher or lower than the results under (1) FIFO and (2) LIFO?
(c) Why is the average unit cost not $6?

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This explains the steps to compute the cost of the ending inventory and the cost of goods sold.

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E4-16 In June, Naperville Company reports the following for the month of June.
Units Unit Cost Total Cost
June 1 Inventory 200 $5 $1,000
12 Purchases 300 6 1,800
23 Purchases 500 ...

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