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First Break All the Rules & Conventional Wisdom

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I need some assistance in answering these questions:

Much of what is discussed in (FBATR) diverges from conventional wisdom.

1. How can a leader incorporate the lessons from the book "First Break All The Rules" when working within a "conventional" organization?

2. What questions would you want to raise about the research and results presented in the book "First Break All The Rules"?

Thanks in advance

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The solution discusses how a leader can incorporate the lessons from the book, First Break All the Rules when he is working in a conventional organizations. References are included.

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1. How can a leader incorporate the lessons from the book "First Break All The Rules" when working within a "conventional" organization?

The book "First Break All The Rules" discusses on the research studies administered by Gallup Organization in which several surveys were done on over a million employees from various industries, companies and countries. The massive in-depth research study was administered on supervisors and managers from Fortune 500 companies and in small entrepreneurial companies. Eventually, the focus of Gallup's research was collecting information from managers who excelled at developing each employee's talent into full performance.
Before discussing further, let us list down the rules for managers in a conventional organization according to Buckingham and Coffman:
? To be fair to all employees, treat everyone exactly the same.
? Bring up the level of competence of the weakest employees by spending time with them.
? Never be friends or socialize much with your employees.
? Every employee must follow the standards of the company and these standards must be enforced.
? To reward an employee, give him a raise and better benefits.
The research was conducted was based on two questions on what the most talented employees need from the workplace and how the world's greatest managers keep their talented employees. The book was done based on the findings and results of these two studies and questions.
"What do the most talented employees need from the workplace?"
The first study boiled down into twelve questions which served as a means to assess the strength of the workplace. The questions did not deal with pay, office amenities, work hours, benefits and other things that conventional companies focus on. The twelve questions focused on the most important information regarding worker satisfaction which the most talented employees agree upon so that desired business outcomes on productivity, retention, customer satisfaction, and profitability are achieved.
"How do the world's greatest managers find, focus, and keep talented employees?"
The second research project consisted of interviews of managers from every level of management and from the study, four key roles and tasks should be performed well by managers in order to excel in his ...

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