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Leadership choices

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Please help with the following problem. Provide at least 100 words in the solution.

Dan Porter has recently won the lottery. He is excited and wants to share his news with his coworkers. However, his supervisor cuts him short by assigning the team tasks for the day. Has the supervisor shown good leadership qualities by putting the need for task completion before all else? How else could the supervisor have reacted? How does this attitude affect team performance?

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The following posting helps with a business management problem. A discussion on the appropriateness of the reaction by the leader to a worker's good news. The explanation is given in 172 words.

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Dan Porter has recently won the lottery. He is excited and wants to share his news with his coworkers. However, his supervisor cuts him short by assigning the team tasks for the day. Has the supervisor shown good leadership qualities by putting the need for task completion before all else? How else could the supervisor have reacted? How does this attitude ...

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