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Personal opinion on how does training impact employee

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1)Personal opinion on how does training impact employee and organizational performance?
200 words and APA format if any citations used.

2)Why is conducting a performance appraisal so difficult for managers? How can these difficulties be overcome?
200 words and APA format if any citations used.

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Personal opinion on how does training impact employee is examined.

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1)Personal opinion on how does training impact employee and organizational performance?

Training is mandatory for effective performance from employees, but all training is not equal as the organizations who excel the most are those willing to appropriate the necessary time and resources toward ensuring that employees receive competent training to enhance their skills for higher productivity. Training instills the organizational values and goals into the employee while providing the employee with the tools for success. For an organization to excel, it must outperform its competitors, and organizational performance depends upon how well employees perform their job duties . Therefore, training ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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