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Overcoming Cultural Differences

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Please help answer the following questions. Provide at least 200 words in the solution. Include at least one reference in the solution.

How do cultural differences affect projects? What technologies can be used to overcome these differences? Provide specific examples.

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The following posting helps with a problem regarding management information systems. This solution explains how cultural differences affect projects, and the technologies that can be employed to overcome the differences present. Specific examples are provided. The explanation is given in 299 words.

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Problem: How do cultural differences affect projects? What technologies can be used to overcome these differences?

The main factor that is involved with cultural differences involves communications. In various cultures, we are taught from a very young age how to communicate, and we also learn what is acceptable, what is not acceptable, as well as the intricacies of our native language. As companies have expanded to become international and global, management in those ...

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