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Characteristics of consumer behavior

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Details: Sometimes it's best to learn from other industries, so you take a break from studying the gourmet food industry. Choose one of the following categories:
Airlines: Southwest Airlines and American Airlines
Computers: Dell and Apple
Clothing: Gap and Ann Taylor
Department stores: Wal-Mart and Nordstroms

Research and discuss the marketing promotions used by the two organizations in your chosen category. Compare and contrast the promotional activities - both online and offline - and discuss why they are successful/or not. You should review World Wide Web and all other media (TV, radio, print, promotional events and items) to view promotions currently being used by both organizations. (You can also use the Library's Full Text database to research articles about these companies' marketing strategies.) Focus your comments on the communication medium and messages, and how they align with the 4 P's.

Objective: Use effective communication techniques.
Discuss the characteristics of consumer behavior.
Discuss the interaction among the marketing mix variables and the implications for product, promotion, price, and distribution management.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1044 Words, APA References.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1044 words with references.

// Promotion activities of a company are related with attracting the customers. Every company has different perspective towards the market and through media channels, it communicates its messages. Here, we will discuss two companies Wal-Mart and Nordstrom. These companies thoroughly understand the consumer behaviour of their target market to understand their needs and wants and deliver them through their offerings.//

Wal-Mart was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. Presently it is a public corporation and running a large chain of departmental stores and serving more than 200 million customers all around the world every year. It aims at offering products at low prices and enabling people to live a better life. Wal-Mart is employing more than 2 million associates in its 7,390 Wal-Mart stores (About Us: Wal-Mart). Nordstrom was started in 1901 as a shoe store in Seattle by John Nordstrom. It moved to clothing market in 1960s. Today, it is a publicly traded company and having 150 full line stores in 28 states of the United States. Apart from these stores, it is serving its customer online also (About Nordstrom, 2008). Nordstrom aims at providing best possible quality services to its customers.
Marketing Strategies
Wal-Mart's main marketing strategy is to keep its prices low so that it can attract more customers. It is committed to lower its overhead costs up to the most possible extent. With this, Wal-Mart depends on quantity selling in order to make profit. The positive point of Wal-Mart is that it is having a large number of departmental stores that enables it to attract customer from all around the corners. Wal-Mart as world's biggest retailer plans to re-evaluate its half billion dollars advertising strategy to revamp its marketing image. For the sake of its ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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