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Customer service skills:A new-hire training w/ 7 steps!

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After the group discussion, each salesperson is to create a new-hire training presentation that explains how to incorporate benefit selling into sales presentations.

Explain the 7 problem resolution and recovery procedures, and provide one specific example emphasizing each step.

Explain how it helps the salesperson make more sales to the prospect.

Describe the implications of poor customer service and excellent customer service

Use key principles of persuasion and techniques for negotiating resistance and handling objections

Use effective communication techniques.

Use team and problem-solving skills to collaborate on a project.

Explain the 7 problem resolution and recovery procedures, and provide one specific example emphasizing each step. Here they are listed as steps:

1. Define and Identify the Problem,
2. Analyze the Problem,
3. Identify Possible Solutions,
4. ...

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Explain the 7 problem resolution and recovery procedures, and provide one specific example emphasizing each step. Here they are listed as steps:

1. Define and Identify the Problem,
2. Analyze the Problem,
3. Identify Possible Solutions,

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This would be done via a sounded, colorful PowerPoint presentation! That would be interactive and with quizzes!

Explain the 7 problem resolution and recovery procedures, and provide one specific example emphasizing each step. Here they are listed as steps:

1. Define and Identify the Problem,
2. Analyze the Problem,
3. Identify Possible Solutions,
4. Evaluate Solutions,
5. Select the Best Solutions,
6. Develop a Plan of Action and
7. Implement the Solution

An example of # one would be identifying the problem (say we are not selling enough to older men who live in rural areas of New England) 2. Analyze the problem, this means to look at it constructively, i.e.; what is causing this for example, which specific sub group of this group say ages 65-70 is the lowest and why is this (this takes time) 3. Come up with a list say...not enough advertising in AARP magazine and other magazines they may read (because they don't use the internet too much). 4. Select or come up with best solutions (say the best 3 out of 5) and base this on say stats and voting among the group 5. Evaluate ...

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